Dorto dishwashing liquid (original) with triple action

In addition to high cleaning power, dishwashing liquid should also have good concentration and foaming properties. With a combination of strong cleaning agents, Dorto removes grease and has the ability to remove grease and grime from dishes, and by adjusting the proper pH, it protects the skin of the hands. Dorto dishwashing liquid (with suitable concentration and foaming as well as easy rinsing) instills a sense of confidence and peace of mind to the consumer.

Currently, Dorto products include 3 groups of dishwashing liquids (Plus, Original and Powerclean) with different weights.

Dorto (original) dishwashing liquid with triple action

Dorto dishwashing liquid (original) with triple action

Formulated by German Count Cosmetic GmbH.

Type: Original

Weight: 1000 grams and 3750 grams

Aroma: lemon, orange, apple, berry

Do you know that the lack of accurate and effective washing of dishes causes food particles to remain and create an unpleasant smell?

Do you know that some of these particles have no smell and cannot be detected by the naked eye?

Arin Industrial Group is a knowledge-based organization with an experienced and expert workforce, using the modern European technology, which uses the global production model and having a complete supply chain of raw materials to produce Dorto dishwashing liquid (with the ability to compete and distinguish itself from other products) for Brought to you dear consumers.

In addition to high cleaning power, dishwashing liquid should also have good concentration and foaming properties. With a combination of strong cleaning agents, Dorto removes grease and has the ability to remove grease and grime from dishes, and by adjusting the proper pH, it protects the skin of the hands. Dorto dishwashing liquid (with suitable concentration and foaming as well as easy rinsing) instills a sense of confidence and peace of mind to the consumer.

Description of the triple function of Dorto dishwashing liquid (original):


Compatible with hand skin

Removes unpleasant odors

Note: If you have sensitive hand skin, it is better to use gloves when using any type of dishwashing liquid.

Dorto Plus dishwashing liquid (containing baking soda) concentrated with triple action

Dorto Plus dishwashing liquid (containing sweet boil) thick with triple action

Formulated by German Count Cosmetic GmbH.

Type: + Plus (Baking soda)

Weight: 750 grams

Aroma: lemon, orange, apple, berry

Did you know that baking soda has been used as a natural fungicide since ancient times?

Sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda, is one of the amazing substances that, in addition to many benefits (such as natural and very strong cleaning and a great effect in removing unpleasant odors), is also environmentally friendly.

By using baking soda in its formulation, Dorto Plus dishwashing liquid shines 3 times more dishes and gives them a special shine, removes any kind of bad smell left on dirty dishes, and burns food stuck to the pan. It cleans easily.

Some of the specialized features of Dorto Plus dishwashing liquid (containing baking soda) are:

Very high cleaning power

The use of anionic, nonionic and amphoteric surfactants in this formulation leads to the complete and rapid removal of fats and pus from the surfaces. Since the food stuck to the dishes is difficult to clean, another auxiliary force is needed to clean it; Adding some baking soda to the dishwashing liquid will increase the pus cleaning power of the liquid and solve this problem.

According to the analysis and comparison of normal dishwashing liquid with Dorto Plus dishwashing liquid (containing baking soda), it was found that the power of emulsifying pus by adding baking soda in Dorto Plus dishwashing liquid increased significantly and this was also proven by the laboratory. . (The amount of pus emulsifying power is reported as 116.2 for normal dishwashing liquid and 147.8 for Dorto Plus)

Neutral pH and non-irritating hand skin

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) adjusts pH; It means that it makes a substance neither acidic nor alkaline. When baking soda comes into contact with an acidic or alkaline substance, its natural effect is to neutralize the pH. Due to its neutral pH and the use of amphoteric surfactant, Dorto Plus dishwashing liquid (containing baking soda) reduces skin sensitivity.

Deodorizing and polishing

By adding baking soda in Dorto dishwashing liquid, in addition to cleaning and polishing the dishes, you can also remove the unpleasant smell of food particles from the dishes. (This is a simple reaction, but one that has important cleaning and sanitizing effects.)

Description of the triple functionality of Dorto Plus dishwashing liquid (containing baking soda):

Dish polisher

3x stronger degreasing

Removes unpleasant odors

Note: If you have sensitive hand skin, it is better to use gloves when using any type of dishwashing liquid.


Dorto (Power clean) dishwashing liquid) with Triple action (

Dorto dishwashing liquid (Power Clean) with triple action

Formulated by German Count Cosmetic GmbH.

Type: Power clean

Weight: 750 grams

Scent: Lemon

In addition to high cleaning power, dishwashing liquid should also have good concentration and foaming properties. Dorto (Power Clean) dishwashing liquid, with a combination of strong cleaning materials, cleans fats several times more accurately and has the ability to remove mass and fat from the dishes, and by adjusting the proper pH, it protects the skin of the hands. Dorto dishwashing liquid (with suitable concentration and foaming as well as easy rinsing) instills a sense of confidence and peace of mind to the consumer.

Industrial group

Aryan is a knowledge-based organization with an experienced and expert workforce, using the modern technology of Europe, using the global production model and having a complete supply chain of raw materials, Dorto dishwashing liquid (with the ability to compete and differentiate from other products) for you to consume. It has brought the dear ones.

Description of the triple function of Dorto Power Clean dishwashing liquid:

Five times faster fat removal

5x more cleaning power

Removes unpleasant odors

Note: If you have sensitive hand skin, it is better to use gloves when using any type of dishwashing liquid.

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